Family Names in Miller County Wills, Estates, Marriages
Miller County was created in 1858 with lands from Early and Baker Counties and was named for Andrew Miller (1806-1856), state senator of Georgia and president of the Medical College of Georgia. The courthouse was destroyed by fire in 1873. The county seat is Colquitt, Georgia.
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- Index to Miller County Marriages 1892 to 1906
Digital Images of Miller County Wills 1871 to 1925
Names of Testators: Adams, Susan; Bush, Elijah Sr.; Bush, William J.; Butts, Henry; Gregory, J. J.; Hand, Henry; Harrell, Martha; Lane, James Madison; Miller, James; Morton, Matha; Pools, William R.; Rathel, Alice; Sheffield; Arthur; Sheffield, West; Spooner, Stephen; Stegall, Elizabeth; Williams, J. W.; Williams, Zachariah Taylor; Womble, W. B.
Etiquette of the Napkin
This article appeared in The Philadelphia Times newspaper on March 24, 1882: ” The law of the napkin is but vaguely understood. One of our esteemed metropolitan contemporaries informs an eager inquirer that it is a bad form to fold the napkin after dinner; that the proper thing is to throw it with negligent disregard on the table beside the plate, as to fold it would be a reflection on the host and imply a familiarity that would not benefit an invited guest.”