
Haralson County Georgia Wills, Estates, Marriages

Ancestors in Haralson, Meriwether, and Troup Counties as settlers were removed into the old Indian lands. From there, they went to Chambers County, Alabama, and other surrounding border counties in Georgia. Haralson County was created in 1856 by Carroll and Polk Counties. Early Settlers: Martin Ayers, S. D. Blackman, Dennis Bates, W. J. Crawford, W. H. Chaffee, Vinson Chandler, James Dunn, B. F. Edwards, Walter Foyer, E. F. Garrett, John Humphries, J. C. Jackson, Robert Kilgore, Joseph Little, E. D. E. Pollard, Logan Root, Thomas C. Smith, C. A. Upshaw, and Z. T. Williams.

How the Ancestors Settled in Alabama

Before Indian lands were opened up for settlement in Alabama, one had to request a pass from the Governor of Georgia to travel there. Generally, families who were in the western Georgia counties crossed over into Alabama. For this reason, the Georgia counties of Meriwether, Muscogee, Haralson, Carroll, Heard, Troup, Harris, and Stewart Counties need to be researched first. Next, Alabama settlements were popular in Chambers, Randolph, Russell, and Limestone Counties.
Indexes to Probate Records
  • Index to Will Book A (1865-1919)
  • Index to Deed Book A.
  • Marriages from newspapers (1885-1886).
  • Index to Appraisements and Sale Bills (1884-1937).
  • Index to Appraisements, Sale Bills, Inventories, Annual Returns (1865-1884).
Online Images of Wills (1865 to 1900)

Testators: Aldridge, Patrick; Aldridge, William; Ayres, Martin; Bachus, James; Bates, Dennis; Bowling, David; Cagle, Benjamin; Crocket, Sarah; Daniel, S. L. M. C.; Davis, John; Edwards, B. F.; Fincher, G. W.; Ford, William; Goldin, Nathan; Goldin, T. E.; Hamilton, John; Hilton, Amos;Holcombe, Reuben K.; Holcombe, Reuben; Holland, Fallon; Hudson, James; Jennings, William; Johnson, Thomas; Jordan, J. M.; Kilgore, Robert; Lathan, Henry; Little, S. B.; McClung, S. B. L. J.; Newman, Ephraim; Posey, Sarah Melvin; Powell, Presley; Reid, Reuben; Smith, Lucretia; Summerfield, B. F.; Summerville, Robert; Weatherby, Aaron; Weatherby, Sarah; Westbrooks, James; Whistenhunt, Benjamin, orphans of; Williams, W. N.; Williams, Wyatt; Wilson, Absalom; Woods, Abraham; Young, S. A. E. F.

Online Images of Miscellaneous Superior Court Cases

  • D. L. Drussell vs. H. C. Waldrop
  • Hamilton vs. Langmeade
  • Kenneth Hebrid vs. Duncan Munne
  • P. S. Dean vs. Georgia Pacific Railway
  • P. S. Dean vs. Georgia Pacific Railway
  • Robinson vs. William O. Rour
  • Morris, S. J. vs. Rubin Morris
  • The State vs. John Warren

Online Images of Miscellaneous Deeds

  • Brooks, George to J. W. Bennett
  • Copeland, Etta (Mrs.) to Willie Tolbert Head, et al
  • Head, G. W. (Mrs.) to Mrs. Allice Harrison
  • Head, N. C. R. to W. T. Head Sr.
  • Head, W. T. to George W. Head
  • Pope, A. A. to W. E. Johnson
  • Strickland, S. W. & Co. to Whitlaw Wyatt
  • Watson, Benjamin F. to Fields
  • Watson, B.
  • Watson, Burton
  • Watson, Burton to Bryce
  • Watson, James
  • Williamson, M. C. (Mrs) ti Elbert A. Williamson

Lithia Springs Sweetwater Creek Hotel

During the 1880s people came from miles around to the curative waters of a natural lithia water spring. In 1887 Judge Bowden and a group of investors purchased the springs and commenced bottling and selling the water. Hence, the Sweet Water Hotel was built in Lithia Springs, having 500 rooms. The hotel was so popular that Mark Twain, the Vanderbilts, and several presidents visited the springs.

What is the Common Era in our Calendar?

Some changes have been made when referring to AD and BC. AD is short for Annus Domini, Latin for the year of the Lord. BC is an abbreviation of Before Christ. Because AD and BC hold religious (Christian) connotations, some people prefer to use a neutral reference of time known as the ” common era” to indicate whether a year is before or after year 1. Because so many different calendars were employed since man began tracking time, there is a current confusion over the use of BC and AD. In order to determine the correct date for Easter, in 525 A. D., Dionysius Exiguus invented the use of BC and AD for numbering calendar years. At the time the dating was based upon a 532-year calendar cycle after the founding of Rome. there is no year “0.” Most historians believe that Christ was born several years before the year 1. Anno Domini refers to the year of the birth of Christ and is known as year 1. The introduction of the Gregorian Calendar came into play because a year is not exactly 365 days long. It is 365 and a quarter days long. So it was that every four years, March 1st was moved behind a day until it became the beginning of winter. Something had to be done. The Gregorian Calendar was introduced in the Catholic parts of Europe in 1582 A.D. by Pope Gregory XIII which was some improvement over the Julian Calendar. The rules, months, and days of the Gregorian calendar are the same as those of the Julian Calendar, except for the leap year rules. In the Gregorian calendar, a year is a leap year if the year number is evenly divisible by 4. However, century years follow a different rule. The number must be divisible by both 100 and 400 to be a leap year; otherwise, it is not a leap year. For example, 1600 and 2000 are leap years, but 1700, 1800, and 1900 are not. The use of the Gregorian calendar in the United States is a result of an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom in 1751, which specified the use of the Gregorian calendar in England and its colonies. However, its adoption in the United Kingdom and other countries was fraught with confusion, controversy, and even violence.

Grist Mills and Lumber Yards in Tallapoosa

The 1870-1880 Georgia Industrial Census lists the occupations of residents and other information concerning the type of business which they operated and includes those persons who were manufacturers, lumber mills, sawmills, brickyards, tile works, flour, and grist mills, slaughtering and meatpacking and salt works, boots and shoes, etc. For the genealogist wishing to learn more about the ancestors, this is an excellent resource. The following were listed in Tallapoosa: William Mann, Joseph Hooper, Wyatt Williams, Abram Bush of Black Creek, John Bush of Little River, Henry Aldridge of Beach Creek, C. J. Reeves, and H. C. Walker. Lumber yards were owned by William Mann of some 75 acres and Michael Aderhold, 300 acres.