Gwinnett County Wills, Estates, Marriages
- 1827-1837
- 1835-1837 Loose Marriages
- 1843-1864 (Index)
- 1871-1882 (Index)
- 1885-1886 (Newspapers)
- 1892-1910 (Index)
- 1895-1908 (Index)
Indexes to Probate Court Records
- Inventories and Annual Returns, Books 10-14, 1872-1895
- Inventories and Appraisements 1856-1866
- Inventories and Appraisements 1886-1897
Images of Inferior Court Minutes 1820-1832
Images of Inferior Court Minutes 1819-1861
Images of Wills 1846-1886 Book D, oldest surviving Will Book.
Names of Testators: Amanda M. Adams, John Armistead, A. A. Arnold, William L. Atkinson, Sarah Bagwell, Martha Bailey, William Bailey, Anthony W. Bates, Joseph M. Baxter, John G. Bennett, John J. Bennett, Lovick Bettis, David Bolton, M. M. Bolton, John A. Born, Joseph M. Bowers, Meshack Boyce, Jeffers Bradford, Cashwell Brand, William E. Brand, James Braswell, Tandy H. Brown, Vinson Brownlee, Franklin P. Buchanan, John Bugg, Maria Mackay Burtchell, John L. Burrell, Charles Burson, Daniel M. Byrd, William Davis Byrd, John Cain, John Caloway, Gille Camp, Catharine H. Churchhill, Sterling Clark, Austin W. Cole, Levi M. Cooper, George W. Craig, John E. Craig Sr., Robert Craig, Burton E. Crawford, Robert B. Eckles, Robert Etheridge, James Flowers, Sarah Fountain, Samuel H. Freeman, Marsha Furguson, William Galloway, James Garner, James Garner Sr., Lucretia Garner, John J. Glover, William J. Gober, Marcus L. Gordon, Robert M. Gower, Sarah M. Gower, Robert J. Goza, Lourina Griswell, Thompson Hale, Martha T. Hamilton, Sanford Hannah, Thomas C. Hardigree, Jerry Harris, James Harrison, James Hawthorn, Harrison Head, Lucinda Higgins, Silas Higgins, C. H. Hopkins, John Hopkinns, Luther F. Hopkins, Evan Howell, Thomas Hunter, Andrew J. Hutchins, Nathan Hutchins, William S. Ivie, William G. Jacobs, Kincheon Jenkins, Polly Ann Johnson, Stella Julian, W. T. Kilgore, John King, John Knight, David Langley, James Lanier, Curtis C. Lankford, Zachry J. Lee, Daniel Liddell, Charles H. Linsey, Daniel Lockridge, Hugh D. Lowe, Mary E. Lowe, Amos Lowry, Thomas Maguire, William Maltbie, Elisha Martin, John Martin, Lucy B. Martin, Alexander M. Mason, Charley Mason, William A. Massey, Thomas Matthews, Telford McConnell, John McCurly, Darling P. McDaniel, Eli J. McDaniel, James McDaniel, John S. McElvany, John McMillan, Rhesa McMillan, Thomas Mewborn, Goodwin Miller, Mark Miller, Rache Miner, George W. Mitchell, Middleton Montgomery, Kinchen Mooneyham, John Morrow, John Walker Nash, Robert B. Nash, Harrison Nix, Azariah Noel, Frances L. O’Kelly, Jesse Osborn, Samuel S. Peden, William J. Peeples, William F. Perry, Elijah Pittard, James W. Plummer, John H. Pounds, Turk Rakestraw, Samuel Rawlins, John R. Richards, Mary A. Richardson, Andrew Martin Ross, James S. Russell, William J. Russell, Washington Rutledge, Sanford A. Scales, William Scales, William D. Sexton, Eliza Simmons, James P. Simmons, John Simms, Emily Simonton, James Stanley, Jorden Stanton, George Stephenson, Reason D. Stephens, Van R. Stevenson, Henry P. Thomas, Sivilinett Thomas, William Thrasher, Isaac Tinsey, John Morris Tullis, Howell H. Upchurch, Columbus Webb, Joshua Westbrook, James Wheeler, Richard Whiteworth, Mary Whitworth, Hosea Williams, William P. Williams, Anderson Windsor, Richard D. Winn, Sherwood Wise, Andrew Wood.
Images of Wills 1888-1916 – Names not listed due to space.
Indexes to Probate Records
- Estates (Bench Docket) 1856-1878
- Estates (Bench Docket) 1874-1885
- Inventories & Appraisements 1856-1866; 1886-1897
- Accounts & Annual Returns 1869-1866; 1874-1878;
- Annual Returns & Vouchers 1872-1876; 1876-1878; 1878-1880; 1880-1885; 1885-1889; 1889-1895
Civil War Records
- Pension Roll 1917-1925
- Confederate Rosters 1861-1865
- Cemetery Book of Haynes Creek Primitive Baptist Church
- 1851 Chapman Rolls of Gwinnett County Cherokees
- Supreme Court Decision of 1832 by Chief Justice Marshall in case of Samuel A. Worcester, Plaintiff in Error
Traced Genealogies: Gwinnett County Families
Bagwell Gordon Juhan Moore Pounds