
Cobb County Wills, Estates, Marriages, Divorces, Minute Books, Military, Newspapers

Cobb County was formed in 1832 from Cherokee County and named in honor of Thomas Willis Cobb, U.S. representative, U. S. Senator, and Supreme Court Judge who subsequently called the city of Marietta after his wife. For several years, white traders and settlers encroached on Indian lands. Upon signing the 1832 Treaty to remove the Cherokees, immigrants flooded the territory. The Cherokees were farmers; not surprisingly, not all Cherokees emigrated to Oklahoma and Kansas. Some of them obtained permission to remain in Cobb County, which is reflected in the Dawes Rolls when people from Cobb, Forsyth, Lumpkin, and Gilmer Counties made applications before the Dawes Commission to prove Indian ancestry. Such proof was necessary to obtain free land in Oklahoma. Indian trails ran from the Alabama Road North through Bartow County and across the ” Shallow Ford” in the Chattahoochee. The Second Georgia Land Lottery of 1832 parceled land to settlements and the first towns of Marietta, Sweet Water, Buffalo Fish, and Big Shanty. Big Shanty is remembered for sheltering Atlantans during the Battle of Atlanta, which made the mad rush by railroad before General Sherman took the city. The railroad started construction in 1836 when the State of Georgia began purchasing the right-of-way to build from the Tennessee River to the Chattahoochee River. In 1845 track was laid from Marthasville to Marietta with a stopover for water at Moon’s Station in Kennesaw.

During the War Between the States, the earliest courthouse records were torched by Sherman. The earliest settlers were: Cloud, Lemon, Collins, Guess, King, etc. County was formed in 1832 from Cherokee County and named in honor of Thomas Willis Cobb, U.S. representative, U. S. Senator, and Supreme Court Judge who subsequently called the city of Marietta after his wife. For several years, white traders and settlers encroached on Indian lands. Upon signing the 1832 Treaty to remove the Cherokees, immigrants flooded the territory. The Cherokees were farmers; not surprisingly, not all Cherokees emigrated to Oklahoma and Kansas. Some of them obtained permission to remain in Cobb County, which is reflected in the Dawes Rolls when people from Cobb, Forsyth, Lumpkin, and Gilmer Counties made applications before the Dawes Commission to prove Indian ancestry. Such proof was necessary to obtain free land in Oklahoma. Indian trails ran from the Alabama Road North through Bartow County and across the ” Shallow Ford” in the Chattahoochee. The Second Georgia Land Lottery of 1832 parceled land to settlements and the first towns of Marietta, Sweet Water, Buffalo Fish, and Big Shanty. Big Shanty is remembered for sheltering Atlantans during the Battle of Atlanta, which made the mad rush by railroad before General Sherman took the city. The railroad started construction in 1836 when the State of Georgia began purchasing the right-of-way to build from the Tennessee River to the Chattahoochee River. In 1845 track was laid from Marthasville to Marietta with a stopover for water at Moon’s Station in Kennesaw. During the War Between the States, the earliest courthouse records were torched by Sherman. The earliest settlers were: Cloud, Lemon, Collins, Guess, King, etc.

Adams, Hiram M.;Alexander, John Y.; Alexander, Peter W.; Alexander, Robert G.; Allen, Ransom A.; Allgood, John W.; Anderson, Charles H.; Anderson, Henry S.; Anderson, Henry S.; Anderson, William P.; Armstrong, William; Atkins, Emeret; Austin, William A.; Avery, George S.; Awtrey, Merrill C.; Awtry, Sarah; Baggett, Burton; Bagwell, John B.; Baker, Francis J.; Barrett. Charles; Barrett, John; Baswell, William P.; Bates, Mathias; Bellenger, John; Bennett, John H;. Bingham, S. A.; Bolan, Matilda C.; Bonner, Claborn; Boyd, David; Boyd, Robert M.; Bradley, Gordon M.; Branan, Sarah; Brinkley, Emeline F.; Brockman, John B.; Brockman, John B.; Brown, Absalom; Brown, James R; Brown, James Welsman; Brown, Silas; Bullard, Robert L;. Buttolph, Wallace S.; Bunn, Marcus; Burnap, Gaines C.; Bush, Asa; Byrd, Sarah N.; Cargile, James; Carrie, Gaspard T.; Chastain, Sarah C;. Chastain, Sarah C.; Cheney, Andrew J.; Cheney, W. S.; Clark, Jane; Clarke, Susan Stone; Clay, Thomas C;. Cochran, S. R.; Cole, Henry G.; Cook, Francis; Cooke, N. M.; Cortelyon, Peter R.; Couper, Hannah Page; Cowen, Stephen D.; Crockett, M. Ella; Crosby, Charles M.; Covington, W. H.; Cumming, William Henry; Curry, Rebecca; Daniell, Robert; Darby, John; Darby, Mary Francis; Davis, Gary; Delk, Jackson; Delk, W. J.; Dempsey, Lazarus; Dickeson, John; Dickson, David; Dobbs, David; Dobbs, David Tudson; Dobbs, James P.; Dobbs, Wiat; Dobbs, William M.; Dodd, Peter S.; Dodgen, George N.; Dodgen, John L.; Dunwoody, Ellen C.; Drake, Cargile; Duke, Augustus Newton; Dunaway, Ellen C.; Duncan, Martha Berrien; Edwards, Allen C;. Edwards, Simeon; Emanuel, David; Esler, Sarah Este, William Miller Eubanks, Joseph Fannin, Benjamin Faw, Enoch; Fenn, Susan Emeline; Florence, William; Fowler, George T.; Fridell, John L.; Fuller, W. G.; Gantt, Joseph; Gappins, Jordan; Gibson, Isham R.; Gignilliat, Harrietta; Gignilliat, Norman P.; Gignilliat, William R.; Glore, George W.; Glover, J. B., Jr.; Goss, Isham Jabez Marshall; Goulding, Matilda R.; Gragg, John; Gray, Eliza A.; Green, Clara I.; Green, Clotilda; Green, Joel A.; Green, William C., Sr.; Gresham, George W.; Gresham, Watson; Groover, Jacob N.; Groves, William F.; Gunnell, W B.; Gunter, David; Hamby, T. K.; Hardage, George Washington; Harden, Robert R.; Hargrove, Asbury; Harkness, Amanda K.; Harlow, Cynthia A.; Harrington, Jackson; Harrison, Maria S.; Heggie, Carrie E.; Hembree, Samuel; Hembree, Warren W.; Hill, John W.; Hinton, Mary H.; Hinton, Rosina L.; Hirsch, Rapheal; Hogan, Mary; Holcombe, Jabez J.; Hopkins, Henry J.; House, Francis C.; House, Henry; House, Jacob G.; House, William; Hoy, Andrew C.; Hughes, James G.; Humphrey, Richard; Humphries, J. R., Dr.; Hunt, Elisha; Husk, Martha L.; Inzer, Mark P.; Irvine, Susan E.; Jackson, H. C.; Jackson, Shadrach; Johnston, William M.; Jones, Samuel; Jordan, William M.; Julian, Samuel; Kelpen, William; Kemp, Alsey; Kemp, Burrell; Kemp, James Starling; Kemp, Solomon; Kimberly, J. E.; King, Francis P., Mrs.; Kirk, John, Sr.; Kiser, John; Knight, Hattie H.; Knight, Rachael Susannah; Kolb, Valentine; Lacy, Edna; Lane, Caroline T.; Lane, Matilda B.; Lanneau, John F.; Lemon, Robert; Lemon, William; Lewis, John; Lindley, John B.; Lindley, John T.; Lindley, Jonathan; Lindley, Thomas; Linton, Elizabeth W.; Litchfield, Elizabeth; Litchfield, L. A.; Lyle, Hugh G.; Lyle, Nancy S.; Mable, Robert; MacLeod, Mary A.; Maner, Alfred; Marchman, Roswell H.; Mayes, Elizabeth; Mayes, Harvey M.; Mayson, George W.; Maxwell, Sarah L.; McCannell, James; McCowes, Anna William; McDonald, Eliza; McDonald, James J.; McEarchen, David N.; McEver, John L.; McElreath, John M.; McHan, Barney; McGee, Fletcher M.; McKee, Isaac M.; McLain, Charles P.; McMullan, Willis; Medlock, E. W.; Miller, George A.; Minhinnett, Francis R.; Mitchell, Hardy; Monk, James G.; Moon, Thomas J.; Moore, J. C.; Morgan, David; Morris, Thompson; Moulden, John; Myers, John M.; Neese, Alfred M.; Nesbitt, Mary Ann; Newell, D. J.; Nichols, Fannie; Nichols, William T.; Northcutt, Alfred M.; Northcutt, Jesse J.; Oliver, Peter M.; Orr, William E.; Owen, Hiram; Pace, Russell; Paden, Robert S.; Paige, Joseph; Paige, Sarah C.; Penn, Benjamin J.; Phillips, Mathew M.; Pilgrim, Durrill; Pool, Elzy W.; Pomeroy, Edgar J.; Powder, John H.; Prather, Patrick H.; Pratt, Nathaniel A.; Pritchett, Robert A.; Pruett, Ittai; Ray, Emanuel; Reagin, Robert L.; Reed, Joel B.; Reed, William B.; Reid, Andrew J.; Reid, Eliza Melita; Reynolds, Aristides; Rice, James; Robarts, Elizer G.; Roberts, John; Robertson, Elvina; Robertson, John; Robertson, Samuel; Robinson, William; Rogers, Charles; Rood, Asel P.; Rooney, T. A.; Ruff, Martain Lenkin; Russell, Mattie V.; Sauges, John R.; Scott, Mary A.; Scott, Mary A.; Scribner, Sarah J.; Scroggins, James F.; Sessions, W. M.; Sewell, Joseph W.; Sewell, Terrell R.; Seymore, B. W.; Shaw, Sarah E.; Shearer, George; Sibley, Emma E.; Simpson, Marianne H.; Slaughter, Sarah; Smith, A., Dr.; Smith, Ann M.; Smith, Anna Marie; Smith, A. S.; Smith, Hannah Moore; Smith, James O.; Smith, Mary Perkinson; Smith, Minervia A.; Smith, Morgan; Smith, Sarah; Smith, Tillman; Smith, Zachariah; Stephens, Dorothy; Stephens, Timothy; Stephens, William P.; Stewart, Eliza Pooler; Stewart, Susan M.; & Theophilus S.; Stewart, Theophilus S.; Stocks, Mary Lou; Strange, James W.; Taylor, Isaac; Terry, Alfred; Thomas, K. H.; Tippin, David J.; Trammell, Leander N.; Trezevant, Elizabeth C.; Turner, John H.; Turner, William B.; Varner, Matthew; Vincent, Naomy; Waddell, Medora N.; Wall, Ann Ross; Wallace, Campbell; Wallis, Josiah; Waterman, Thomas; Way, Amos L.; Wayland, Harriet H.; Welch, Henry L.; West, Irena; Westfield, Eliza; Whedbee, Susan; Whitefield, Thomas W.; Whitfield, Benjamin H.; Whitfield, David H.; Williams, Johnson; Williamson, Martha; Winn, Hilliard W.; Winn, Lavenia A.; Winn, William T.; Winn, Will J.; Winters, John R.; Wright, Dotson B.; Wright, Martha G.; Yale, D. E.; York, Augustus W.

Images of Minute Book A (Estates) 1865-1873

Baker, CharlesBaker, John G.Bellinger, John
Bennett, JohnBoyd, Israel P.Boyd, Robert M.
Byrd, MargaretBullard, MicajahCamp, Benjamin T.
Campbell, Newport H.Chappell, JohnCollins, James A. C.
Cowan, Francis M.Davenport, Marcus L.Dickson, Mary E., and David, orphans of David W.
Dobb, RosalindaDonehoo, Cornelius T.DuPre, A. N.
Durham, Lacy W.Dutton, D. S.Eason, Rebecca M., orphan of Rasberry
Emanuel, DavidGann, EdwardGray, Daniel S.
Gresham, WatsonGresham, WilliamHaney, William
Hembree, S. G.Gober, JohnHairston, Thomas J.
Hamby, D. C., orphans ofHansell, Andrew J.Harbin, Richard
Hartfield, James H., minor of James H.Hembree, SanfordHembree, S. G.
Hembree, WarrenHenry, Andrew J.House, John
Howell, Clement C.Howell, IsaacHowell, M. S.
Kemp, SolomonKing, BarringtonKing, Thomas E.
Kirk, GeorgeKirk, JohnLane, Caroline T.
Lane, Montgomery, Henry F., Anna W., and Charles M., orphans of Mark LaneLatimer, Hezekiah R.Layman, Julia, and Hannah, orphans
Leavell, Edward F.Lemon, William, guardian of his childrenLoveless, James
Maloney, RobertManning, AmbroseManning, Simpson
McAfee, BenjaminMcClain, Pamela, guardian of her childrenMcConnell, Mary, orphan of Joseph S.
McConnell, WileyMcGinty, Henry C., Martha E., and Helen V., orphans of H. E.McLarty, S. T.
Miller, George A.Montgomery, James F., orphans ofMoore, Jeremiah A.
Morris, George, minor orphanMoseley, ElizabethNesbit, Mary
Ormsby, Theodore D.Pace, HardyPalmer, William J., guardian of his children
Pickins, R. H.Rakestraw, WilliamRandolph, John
Ray, JohnReed, DanielReeves, William E. F.
Reid, Andrew J.Reid, DanielRobinson, John
Rutherford, WilliamScoggins, Charles, orphanSimpson, L. A.
Slotterbeck, A. J.Smith, BenjaminSmith,Morgin
Stansell, DavidStrickland, JamesSummerlin, W. L.
Turner, Mitchell D.Turner, MahuldahVarner, Matthew
Wallace, WilliamWaterman, Thomas S.Wells, W. S.
Williamson, James B.Wright, ThorntonWhedbee, Susan

A List of original estates and wills available at the Cobb County Court House (folders) 1865 to 1925

Names: Hammie Abbott, J. M. Abbott, Levi Abbott, Henry Abercrombie, George W. Adair, G. W. Adair, J. F. Adair, Paul and Hazel Adair, Francis Adams, F. W. Adams (1878), H. M. Adams (1897), John Adams, H. S. Adams, minor (1872), Mary Adams, May E. Adams (1875), minor, Melisa Adams (1900), Mrs. P. A. Adams, W. B. Adams, W. E. Adams, R. J. Agricola, Jane Brown Akin, Fannie Alden, Ellenor Aldridge (1880), Charles C. Allen (1894), Eliza Allen, Jo. Allen, R. A. Allen (1878), Ransom Allen; Collins, John (estate)(image)(1852)


  • Photographs of Early Settlers
  • Cobb County Legal Advertising

Military Records

  • Cobb County World War II Military Registrants
  • Cobb County Military Registrants for the Draft, World War II
  • Civil War Interments in Marietta Cemetery

Church Records

  • Concord Baptist Church Membership Roll 1832 to 1883
  • Mars Hill Presbyterian Church, Acworth, Registry, 1837-1874

Tax Digests

  • 1848, 1849,1851

Images of Newspapers (select issues)

  • Field and Fireside
  • Marietta Daily Journal 1868 to 1870


  • Map of Indian Trails

Traced Genealogies of Cobb County Families

Anderson; Autry; Bullard; Cleveland; Cowan; Gignilliat; Gober; Goodson; Griggs; Grogan; Hansell; Harget; Howell; James; McMinn; Mullins; Power; Voss


  • Marriages 1865-1937, Groom Names A to Z
  • Marriages 1869-1886, from newspapers
  • Divorces 1885-1886 from newspapers

How to Compensate for the Loss of Cobb County Records

Have you tried the Inferior Court Minutes? This book contains a record of those called to work on roads, descriptions of places, local politics, neighbors, etc. There is a certain feel of the past when reading the entire record concerning everyone in the neighborhood. An examination of local graveyards provides even more data, and if we look closely, there are clues as to whom the daughters married. The details are important.

How Studying the Construction of Railroad Bed Finds Ancestors

While the railroad was being constructed, little towns cropped up alongside the track. The railroad houses were inhabited by those who laid rail in northwest Georgia. They were similar to shotgun houses, connecting from room to room. A railroad apartment could directly connect with another home via panel doors. As General Sherman led his troops toward Atlanta, the Western and Atlantic Railroad transported families to Big Shanty, now Kennesaw. For those following the trail of an ancestor who worked on the railroad, it is wise to research railroad history, discerning its trestles and routes during specific periods. In some cases, it may seem puzzling that an ancestor had several children yet was never counted on the census with the family. Well, if you study the construction of railroad beds, you will start looking in remote places.