Georgia Orphans 1738-1900
Since records are not available from orphanages or state institutions, this database is a collection of orphans discovered in various records of those children who were placed in either private or public homes. Most cities or towns had some sort of benevolent home. We know this because of notices as to Christmas gifts and other charitable contributions which are taken to such homes. The following lists include some of those discovered sources and may be viewed on the site. Orphanges used in the database:
- Abrams Home
- Appleton Orphans Home, Macon, 1886
- Augusta Orphans Home, 1852
- Baptist Orphans Home, Atlanta (1871)
- Bethseda Orphanage, Savannah, 1738
- Catholic Orphan Asylum, Savannah, 1860
- Colored Orphans’ Home, 481 Militia District, Bibb County, 1900
- Colored Orphans’ Home, 3rd Ward, Macon, Bibb County, 1900
- Episcopal Orphans Home, Savannah, 1850 and 1860
- Episcopal Orphans Home, Curry Town, Savannah City, 1900
- Female Orphans Home, Muscogee County, 1860 and 1900
- Female Asylum, Savannah, 1860
- Georgia Baptist Orphans Home, Fulton County, 1920
- Hebrew Orphan’s Home, Atlanta
- House of Our Lady of Mercy, Savannah, 1850
- Methodist Episcopal Home,Savannah, 1900
- Methodist Episcopal Home South, 1857
- Woman’s Home, Atlanta, 1886