Clarke County Images of Wills and Estates, Marriages, Newspapers, Families, Tax Digests, Deeds
Find your Ancestors in the Georgia Bible Records
Clarke County Genealogy Records Available to Members
Online Images of Wills and Estates 1842 to 1859
Names: Akeridge, Ezekiel,Barber, James,Baxter, Thomas,Beardin, Aaron, Branch, Dicey,Burnett, Caroline,Camak, James,Carter, William,Cros, Aaron,Daniell, Josiah,Edwards, Solomon,Espy, John,Greer, Thomas, Hales, Willis,Huff, Henry,Jackson, Stephen,Jennings, James,Jones, William,King, Sarah,Mayne, John,Newton, Catharine,Oliver, John Sr., Payne, Edward,Pittard, Humphrey,Pope, Mary,Price, Elizabeth,Stroud, Martha,Tinney, Elizabeth,Wells, Sarah,Williams, William,Williamson, Sarah.

Online Images of Wills 1859 to 1885
Names: Bauer, William ; Baxter, Mary ; Biggane, Lucy ; Billups, John ; Bishop, Edward;; Bishop, Thomas ; Bradford, Mary ; Branch, James ; Brown, Dolly ; Burnett, Mary ; Chancey, John ; Chase, Allen ; Church, M.; Cobb, Lucy ; Conger, Abijah; Cook, Zadock; Cox, Elizabeth ; Crawford, Julia; Crawford, Susan; Crawford, Susannah ; Crawford, Thomas; Daniell, Francis Marion; Darsey, William ; Darcey, James; Davenport, Henry; Dean, John; Delany, Henry; Delany, William ; Doster, Francis ; Dupree, Lucy ; Edwards, Henry ; Edwards, Richard ; Epps, William ; Fambrough, John; Fellows, George; Fellows, Mary; Gober, William ; Gober, Wesley; Goff, Nancy; Golding, Susan ; Gorly, Mary; Gray, Jeremiah ; Greer, Corporal ; Griffith, John; Hall, Asbury ; Hamilton, Sarah ; Hardiman, Benjamin; Harper, Anselm ; Harris, James ; Harris, John; Harris, Martin ; Harris, Paulina ; Harris, Sarah; Hellbrook, Nathan ; Henderson, Matthew ; Henry, Elizabeth ; Hoyt, Nathan; Hudson, George; Hull, Henry; Hutchinson, Peter; Jackson, Hillman ; Jackson, John; Jenkins, James; Jennings, Giles; Jennings, Henry ; Jennings, James ; Johnson, John Calvin ; Keisler, Hugh; Kittle, William ; Klutts, Jacob; Lampkin, Henry ; Leam, William; Lee, Judith ; Ligers, Caesr; Lowe, John H. ; Lumpkin, Edward ; Lumpkin, Frank; Lumpkin, Samuel ; Macey, Albert ; Malin, Phoebe; Marks, Thomas; Matthews, Martha; Kinney, Alfred ; Mitchell, Giles; Mitchell, J. W. ; Mitchell, William ; Moore, Eleanore ; Moore, Thomas; Morton, Joseph ; Moss, John ; Moss, Thomas; Muker, Christopher ; Mygatt, George; Nance, John ; Newton, Eliza ; Osborn, John; Paine, Seaborne (colored) ; Pelleford, Louis ; Reese, Charles ; Ramsey, Bolitha E. ; Savage, Susan ; Sikes, Zechariah; Smith, Robert; Sparks, Ann; Sparks, Thomas ; Stephenson, Henry; Stovall, Pleasant; Stroud, Mark; Stroud, William ; Tayler, Michael ; Taylor, Robert; Thomas, William ; Thompson, Middleton; Thrasher, Burton; Vickers, Joshua; Vincent, Isaac ; Wade, Thomas ; Wane, Edward ; Ward, Matthew A. ; Wells, Mary; White, John ; White, William; Williams, Mary; Witherspoon, Elizabeth; Woodson, Alexander ; Wray, Thomas ; Yerby, Burnell ; Zach, Silas
Online Images of Estates 1827 to 1835
Names: Beal, Zephaniah; Beardin, Richard; Bonner, Allen ;Bostick, Rebecca; Broadnax, William; Cheatham, Anthony; Chislom, Appleton ; Crowe, Stephen ; Doran, Andrew; Daugherty, Rebecca; Duke, Beverley; Early, Rhoda ; Easley, Roderick ; Foster, John ; Fulton, Margaret; Garner, Joel; Gordon, Robert ; Gourley, Jonathan ; Graham, Andrew ; Harper, John; Harris, Jeremiah ; Harris, Thomas ; Hester, Stephen ; Hill, Isaac; Holder, John ; Holt, Cicero; Huff, Wiley; Humphreys, Uriah; Irwin, James ; James, Henry; Langford, James ; Lumpkin, George; May, Levi ; Mayfield, Thomas; Maxey, Edward, orphans of ; McCollough, William; Mitchell, William ; Moore, Francis ; Moore, Robert; Nisbet, James ; Nunnally, John ; Parton, Vernia ; Phinizy, Marcus; Pittard, Samuel ; Price, William ; Puryear, Peter, orphans of ; Ransom, Reuben; Richardson, John, orphan of Dave; Sibbald, Jane ; Smith, Mary A.; Starkes, Philip, orphans of ; Strickland, John ; Tarpley, Joseph ; Thomas, John ; Thomas, Levin ; Trammell, Robert ; Watts, Samuel ; Whitton, John ; Williamson, Ann; Williby, Elijah ; Wise, Patterson; Wooldridge, orphans; Wright, John
Online Images of Estates Book G, 1835 to 1845
Testators: Beal, Zephaniah; Boram, George W.; Bostick, Rebekah, Mrs.; Brightwell, John; Cheatham, Anthony; Chester, Stephen; Conger, Hedges; Croxton, James; Dalton, Lewis; Elder, Sterling, and Howell; Flournoy, Elizabeth, an orphan; Flournoy, Howell, orphan of; Hodges, James, orphans of; Holt, Cicero; Lamar, Zachariah; Lee, John; Ligon, Robert; Maddox, Joseph; Mann, Jonathan, orphans of; Meriwether orphans; Merritt, Berryman G.; Moore, William; Nisbet, Penelope, Mrs.; Osborn, John; Phinizy, Marco, orphans of; Pinson, Thomas; Pressley, Samuel P.; Preston, William; Puryear, John; Puryear, Peter, an orphan; Reynolds, Patrick; Robertson, Fryar; Robinson, James; Sheats, Nicholas; Sibbald, Jane, Mrs.; Simonton, Theopholis; Stephens, David; Sturgis, Henry; Taylor, Sarah Ann, an orphan; Thomas, Drury; Thompson, Thomas B.; Tindall, William; Whitlow, John Sr.; Williams, Joel, orphans of; Williby, Robert; Williby, William; Winstead, Alexander
Genealogy Stumped? Where to Search
After the Creeks (beginning in 1818) and Cherokees (1832-1834) were removed from Georgia, the settlement flourished throughout Georgia, with some families even moving into Alabama and Mississippi. The land lotteries of 1827 and 1832 reflect the names of those who drew free land. This is an important research resource, particularly since the 1790-1810 Georgia Census records did not survive. We can pinpoint the location of our ancestors in 1805, 1827, 1802, 1803, and 1832. Another resource is the tax digest. It is important to make a list of all of those surnames being traced and track the families in the lotteries and tax digests. After that, the deed records help solve a lot of issues.

Who were the Guale Indians?
I do not think that anyone has traced the origin of these Indians. The word Guale is referred to by historians as the Indians who occupied the coast of Georgia and the Sea Islands dating back to about 1150 A. D. During the 16th century, Spanish occupied Florida attempted to establish its Roman Catholic missionary system throughout southeastern Georgia. Some of the early journals indicate the conversion of reluctant tribes. The friars would establish churches and, when they would return to the region, write in their diaries that the church buildings were destroyed. During the late 17th century and early 18th century, the Guale society suffered epidemics of new infectious diseases and warfare from other tribes. Some of the surviving remnants migrated to the mission areas of Spanish Florida, while others remained along the Georgia coast. Joining with other survivors, they became known as the Yamasee, an ethnically mixed group. The archaeological digs in Georgia have endeavored to locate Mayan ruins, and the current belief is that the Creeks were descendants of the Mayans. Research into Indian ancestry requires a search of all available Indian Rolls and the Census on Georgia Pioneers.

- 1803-1822; 1822-1842 Wills
- Letters of Administrations (includes Wills) 1801-1827
Indexes to Probate Records
- Index to Will Book A, 1803-1822.
- Index to Will Book B, 1822-1842.
- Index to Will Book C, 1842-1859.
- Index to Will Book D, 1859-1885.
- Index to Will Book E, 1885-1911.
- Index to Clarke County Ordinary Records, estates (no date).
- Index to Unbound Estates, 1797-1949.
- Index to Mixed Estates, 1799-1819.
- Index to Mixed Estates, 1807-1818.
- Index to Mixed Estates, 1815-1827.
- Index to Mixed Estates, 1827-1830.
- Mixed Estates, Book E (1827-1830)
- Mixed Estates, Book F (1835-1845)
- Mixed Estates and Annual Returns(1837-1847)
- Mixed Estates and Annual Returns Book I (1842-1867)
- Annual Returns and Mixed Estates, Book J (1842-1852)
- Annual Returns and Mixed Estates, Book K (1852-1872)
- Annual Returns and Mixed Estates, Book YZ (1862-1880)
- Annual Returns 1863-1866
- Annual Returns 1868-1884
- Deed Book A, 1802-1804
- Deed, Dearing to Nesbit
- Deed, Colt to William Matthews
- Deed, Genecke to William Matthews
- Deed, Harden to William Matthews
- Deed, Henry Hull to William Matthews
- Deed, Jeremiah Matthews
- Deed, John Newton to William Matthews Sr.
- Deed, J. R. Matthews o Jane and Joseph Dunahoo
- Deed, Nisch to Matthews
- Deed, Nisch to William Matthews
- Deed, Stinson Jarrell to Sanford Matthews
- Deed, William Matthews to James Matthews (1856)
- Deed, William Matthews to James Matthews (1837)
- Finch, William, LWT (1811).
- Hagin, Edward, Appraisement, Sale, etc. (1805), Bk 1799-1819, pp. 373-377.
- Hagin, Edward, deed (1802).
- James Hagins, Estate.
- Loose Marriages 1805-1821
- Marriages 1807 to 1820
- Marriage Index 1805-1821
- Marriage Index 1815-1821
- Marriage Licenses Index 1821 to 1838
- Marriage Licenses Index 1838 to 1867
- Marriages from newspapers 1885-1886
Lucy Cobb Institute in Athens
Lucy Cobb Institute, Athens, Georgia was founded ca 1859 by Thomas R. Cobb. Clarke County was established in 1801; named for General Elijah Clarke, of Revolutionary War fame. A year after the cession of the Clarke County land from the Cherokee Indians in 1783, the State endowed the future University of Georgia with 40,000 acres of land near an old trading path. The old school pre-dates the Revolutionary War but was not created by the Georgia legislature until 1785. Abraham Baldwin was chosen as president. The school began the same year as the county, 1801, with the purchase of land for a campus. At this time, the surrounding town of Athens had not been formed and would only be formed once the first class graduated in 1804. Among the earliest students were men who would shape the state’s future before, after, and during the Civil War. Early Clarke County Settlers: William Shaw, Joseph Clarkson, Joseph Kramer, William Echols, Richard Lewis, Richard Cole, Absalom Echols, Joshua Baker, Bussel Brown, Jeremiah Melton, Wyley Roberts, James Hayes, William Daniel, Edward Hagin, Samuel Jackson, Clark Hudson, George Evans, Levin Hudson, Wootson Allen, Joseph Henderson, John Dorman, Peter Calaway, Edward Moor, James Downs, Jonathan Hightower, James Keeth, Isaac Downs, David McCulloch, James Naull, Gabriel Hubbard, John Burnett, James Gilmore, David Duke, Harry Mitchel, Drewry Brewer, Henry Grier, and others.

Clarke County Wills, Estates, Marriages, Newspapers, Tax Digests
Tax Digests (digital images)
- 1802,1803, 1804, 1805,1810, 1815
Traced Genealogies of Clarke County Families
Barber, Barwick, Clarke, Day, Ernest, Freeman, Hagin, Humphreys, Hunnicutt, Jackson, Parr, Sledge, Strong, and Thomas