Names of Families in Charlton County Genealogy, Wills, Estates
Pictured is Folkston, Georgia.
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Charlton County Georgia Online Genealogy Records Available to Members
Online Images of Wills 1868 to 1912
Allen, G. W., Sr.
Bryant, Elizabeth
Hodges, Willis
Johnson, Elizabeth
Kenison, J. R.
Love, Henry
Mizell, Joshua
Scott, John
Smith, Francis
Thompson, James
White, John, Sr.
Wright, J. C.

Indexes to Probate Records
- Index to Letters of Administration and Letters of Guardianship (1879 to 1889)
- Index to Wills, Book A (1868 to 1911)
- Index to Wills, Book R (1912 to 1960)
- Inventory of Homesteads (1899 to 1912)
- Minutes (1878 to 1888)
- Letters of Administration (1884 to 1892)
- Bonds of City Officials (1877 to 1891)
Marriage Records
- 1854-1892 (images)
- Index to Bk B, 1891-1919
- Index to Bk C, 1919-1929
The Trail of the Immigrants
Let us face it. Most of the immigrants to America came from Germany, Scotland, and Ireland. If we trace the movements of these groups there are visible similarities in their settlements. Upon arriving, they typically grouped together in temporary communities of ethnic origins. A vast population of Germans landed in Philadelphia and from there took the wagon trails southwest into North Carolina and Virginia. The influx of the Scotch-Irish began about 1732 landed in Wilmington, North Carolina, and followed the trail into the Carolinas, North Carolina, and Virginia.