Berrien County Wills, Estates, Marriages
Images in Berrien County Will Book A (1855-1909)

Images of Will Book B (1909-1956)
Testators: Berrien County Will Book B, 1910 to 1856: Albritton, Edwin; Albritton, M. E.; Alexander, Jean, and Marian; Brown, John; Brown, Sarulue; Buckholts, Peter; Buie, W. D.; Burkhalter, Mattie; Bussey, Eugene; Coombs, Richard; Darsey, J. D.; Duane, Millard; Futch, Malissa; Gaskins, Bart; Askins, Bates; Gaskins, Fannie; Gaskins, Mattie; Gaskins, Marcus; Gaskins, Wycliffe; Gray, Annie; Guthrie, Hariet Ann; Hand, J. M.; Harrell, Daniel; Harrell (Joint Will); Harris, H.; Heath, William; Hendley, J. A.; Knowles, Steve; Major, D. S.; Moore, James; Murry, John; Paulk, John; Parrish, A. J; Rabun, C. G.; Ray, J. S.; Register, William; Rowan, James; Shockley, E. T.; Robinson, David; Sirmans, Benjamin; Sirmans, T. H.; Smith, Mary Jane; Watson, W. H.
Indexes to Probate Records
- Will Book A (1855-1909)
- Will Book B (1910-1956)
- Administrator and Guardian Bonds 1880-1894; 1894-1910
- Estates, Inventories, Appraisements (1862-1896)
- Estates, Inventories, Appraisements (1862-1896)
- Estates, Divisions of 1862-1912
- Estates, Divisions of Estates of Widows 1862-1912
- Widows and Divisions of Estates (1862-1912)
- Bills of Sale (1863-1896)
- Annual Returns and Vouchers (1882-1901)
- Appraisements and Inventories 1896-1910
- Homestead Records (1873-1897)
- 12-months Support 1897-1925
- Ordinary Court House Minutes 1856-1885;1885-1893
- Poor School 1858-1863
- 1856-1900
Military Records
- 1863 Georgia Mililia (Reconstructed) lists names, age, where born, of all men over 21 years of age. They enlisted at age 16 and served for 50+ years.
- CSA Pension Rolls of Soldiers 1891-1912
- CSA Pension Roll of Disabled Soldier 1891-1912
- CSA Pension Roll of Widows of Soldiers 1912-1922
Miscellaneous Estates etc.
- J. D. Jackson
- J. H. King
- John H. King
- M. Griffin
- W. D. King
- W. T. King
Porch Climbing